Gaining Confidence with Kindness – 5 week Course
SEPT 17 – OCT 15

In our competitive world kindness and compassion can appear to make us vulnerable. In fact they give us the confidence and strength to be successful in our relationships and everything we do. It is through balancing confidence with kindness that we understand how to interact skilfully with other people and free ourself from our own fears and insecurities.
On this 5 week course we will learn step by step how to increase our love and compassion. Then you can experience for yourself how these beneficial minds increase your well being and enable you to rise above life challenges.
The course is based on the book The New Eight Steps to Happiness by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche The methods taught in this book have inspired generations of Buddhist practitioners for almost a thousand years, and brought lasting peace, inspiration and serenity to countless people.
You can find this course and classes at:
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