Guru Yoga Mandala Offering Retreat

Nov 22 - 28, 2024


Guru Yoga and Mandala offering retreat combines two of the four great preliminary guides that we need to practice if we want to gain Mahamudra realisations – the quick path to enlightenment.

We all wish for spiritual realisations, but these depend upon creating certain inner conditions such as purifying negativity, accumulating merit, and receiving blessings.

In this retreat we focus on the preliminary practices of accumulating merit and receiving blessings. Making mandala offerings is the gateway to accumulating the collection of merit and attaining an enlightened pure land and Guru yoga is the gateway to receiving powerful blessings of all the Buddhas of the ten directions through our Spiritual Guide.

There will be four sessions a day, except when there are tsog offering Pujas, and the practice is accomplished within the sadhana Offering to the Spiritual Guide.

Booking coming soon

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Gen Kelsang Chitta

Nov 22 - 28, 2024

What to Expect


NOV 22


7:30 - 8.30pm

NOV 22

NOV 23


7.00 - 8.30am
Session 1

10.30am - 12.00pm
Session 2

4.30 - 6.00pm
Session 3

7.30 - 8.45pm
Wishfulfilling Jewel Puja with Tsog

NOV 23

NOV 24


7.00 - 8.30am
Session 1

10.30am - 12.00pm
Session 2

4.30 - 6.00pm
Session 3

7.30 - 9.00pm
Session 4

NOV 24

NOV 25


7.00 - 8.30am
Session 1

10.30am - 12.00pm
Session 2

4.30 - 6.00pm
Session 3

7.30 - 9.15pm
Offering to the Spiritual Guide Puja in the Temple

NOV 25

NOV 26 - 28

Tuesday - Thursday

The rest of the retreat will follow the same session times as Sunday.

NOV 26 - 28



01229 584029

How to get here


Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
Conishead Priory
LA12 9QQ