
In order to complete the Heruka Counting Retreat commitments it is necessary to engage in a Heruka Fire Puja, one will be taking place at Manjushri KMC in February.

To book please contact info@manjushri.org

To book please contact info@manjushri.org


FEB 19


8:00 am
Essence of Vajrayana - in the Temple

10:50 am
Heruka Fire Puja - in Fire Puja Site

FEB 19


A special tranquil place

Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, nestled on the edge of the Lake District, offers the perfect setting for a retreat. Surrounded by beautiful woodland and gardens, this peaceful sanctuary provides an ideal space to step away from the busyness of daily life. The centre's stunning temple, tranquil environment, and breathtaking views over Morecambe Bay make it the perfect place to relax, recharge, and deepen your meditation practice. Whether you’re looking to find inner peace or gain clarity and wisdom, this serene location offers everything you need for a truly transformative experience.

Retreat accommodation

Accommodation is in simple, comfortable rooms.  Those on retreats will stay either in a room in the main building of Conishead Priory or in a room in one of the cottages that line the gardens and overlook the Temple for World Peace. You can choose single, twin or shared rooms and there are limited number of en-suite rooms available. Book early to get a full choice of accommodation.


Every person who visits and takes part in a course at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre leaves with a unique experience of peace in their heart. This experience is shaped by our circumstances in life and how these ancient teachings, adapted to our modern lives, touch our heart. Because each of us is a unique individual, we will each have our own special meaningful experience to take home with us.


concentration copy


Retreat Experience

II was able to do a one-month retreat in January, and it has been the most significant experience of my life. I found within my own heart a light, a peace that permeated everything. Every moment became a magical experience, where the divine and the extraordinary made everything feel out of this world. I truly hope everyone has the opportunity to experience the same and is inspired to do a retreat in this special place.



Retreat Experience

Attending the retreat has been a life-changing experience. I discovered a sense of inner peace I never thought possible, and it continues to guide me in my everyday life. The teachings were profound, and the atmosphere was filled with kindness and serenity. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.

MKMC Cafe Photos 2024-4363


Retreat Experience

The retreat allowed me to pause and reconnect with myself in a way I hadn’t imagined. The meditations brought clarity and calm, and the peaceful environment of the centre made it a perfect place for deep reflection. I left feeling renewed and full of purpose.




01229 584029

How to get here


Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
Conishead Priory
LA12 9QQ

Vajrayogini Fire Puja

Feb 21, 2025


In order to complete the Vajrayogini Counting Retreat commitments it is necessary to engage in a Vajrayogini Fire Puja, one will be taking place at Manjushri KMC in February.

To book please contact info@manjushri.org

To book please contact info@manjushri.org


FEB 21


8:00 am
Quick Path to Great Bliss - in the Temple

10:30 am
Vajrayogini Fire Puja - in Fire Puja Site

FEB 21


A special tranquil place

Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, nestled on the edge of the Lake District, offers the perfect setting for a retreat. Surrounded by beautiful woodland and gardens, this peaceful sanctuary provides an ideal space to step away from the busyness of daily life. The centre's stunning temple, tranquil environment, and breathtaking views over Morecambe Bay make it the perfect place to relax, recharge, and deepen your meditation practice. Whether you’re looking to find inner peace or gain clarity and wisdom, this serene location offers everything you need for a truly transformative experience.

Retreat accommodation

Accommodation is in simple, comfortable rooms.  Those on retreats will stay either in a room in the main building of Conishead Priory or in a room in one of the cottages that line the gardens and overlook the Temple for World Peace. You can choose single, twin or shared rooms and there are limited number of en-suite rooms available. Book early to get a full choice of accommodation.


Every person who visits and takes part in a course at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre leaves with a unique experience of peace in their heart. This experience is shaped by our circumstances in life and how these ancient teachings, adapted to our modern lives, touch our heart. Because each of us is a unique individual, we will each have our own special meaningful experience to take home with us.


concentration copy


Retreat Experience

II was able to do a one-month retreat in January, and it has been the most significant experience of my life. I found within my own heart a light, a peace that permeated everything. Every moment became a magical experience, where the divine and the extraordinary made everything feel out of this world. I truly hope everyone has the opportunity to experience the same and is inspired to do a retreat in this special place.



Retreat Experience

Attending the retreat has been a life-changing experience. I discovered a sense of inner peace I never thought possible, and it continues to guide me in my everyday life. The teachings were profound, and the atmosphere was filled with kindness and serenity. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.

MKMC Cafe Photos 2024-4363


Retreat Experience

The retreat allowed me to pause and reconnect with myself in a way I hadn’t imagined. The meditations brought clarity and calm, and the peaceful environment of the centre made it a perfect place for deep reflection. I left feeling renewed and full of purpose.




01229 584029

How to get here


Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
Conishead Priory
LA12 9QQ

New Year's Eve Celebration
The Power of Wishing Correctly

Dec 31 - Jan 1, 2025

Manjushri KMC - ROBI7282


December 31
Turning Your Life in the Direction of Happiness

When the new year comes around we all wish for a happy year. Join us for an uplifting talk and meditation in the Kadampa Temple for World Peace with Gen Kelsang Tonglam, Start the New Year with inspiration, confidence and joy!

- 7:30-9:00pm Talk with meditation
- 9:00-11:00pm Vegetarian Buffet (Vegan & Gluten free options availible)
Fee £25

If you wish you can choose to stay for one or more sessions of Tara Chanting Retreat.

Dec 31 - Jan 1

24 hour Tara Chanting Retreat 
The magic continues with this wonderful way to begin the New Year. We will make praises and requests to our common holy Mother, Arya Tara, following the powerful prayers Liberation from Sorrow. Everyone is welcome.
This event is free.

31st Dec
11 pm: Tara Chanting Prayers
1st Jan
3am: Tara Chanting Prayers
7am: Tara Chanting Prayers
11am: Tara Chanting Prayers
3pm: Tara Chanting Prayers
7pm: Tara Chanting Prayers

Overnight accommodation is available for those who wish to join Tara chanting.

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Gen Kelsang Tonglam

Dec 31 - Jan 1, 2025

What to Expect

Price: £25 for event only
(Accommodation & meal options available)


DEC 31


Talk and meditation

Vegetarian Buffet (Vegan & Gluten free options availible)

Tara Chanting Prayers

DEC 31



Tara Chanting Prayers

Tara Chanting Prayers

Tara Chanting Prayers

Tara Chanting Prayers

Tara Chanting Prayers



A special tranquil place

Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, nestled on the edge of the Lake District, offers the perfect setting for a retreat. Surrounded by beautiful woodland and gardens, this peaceful sanctuary provides an ideal space to step away from the busyness of daily life. The centre's stunning temple, tranquil environment, and breathtaking views over Morecambe Bay make it the perfect place to relax, recharge, and deepen your meditation practice. Whether you’re looking to find inner peace or gain clarity and wisdom, this serene location offers everything you need for a truly transformative experience.

Retreat accommodation

Accommodation is in simple, comfortable rooms.  Those on retreats will stay either in a room in the main building of Conishead Priory or in a room in one of the cottages that line the gardens and overlook the Temple for World Peace. You can choose single, twin or shared rooms and there are limited number of en-suite rooms available. Book early to get a full choice of accommodation.


Every person who visits and takes part in a course at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre leaves with a unique experience of peace in their heart. This experience is shaped by our circumstances in life and how these ancient teachings, adapted to our modern lives, touch our heart. Because each of us is a unique individual, we will each have our own special meaningful experience to take home with us.


concentration copy


Retreat Experience

II was able to do a one-month retreat in January, and it has been the most significant experience of my life. I found within my own heart a light, a peace that permeated everything. Every moment became a magical experience, where the divine and the extraordinary made everything feel out of this world. I truly hope everyone has the opportunity to experience the same and is inspired to do a retreat in this special place.



Retreat Experience

Attending the retreat has been a life-changing experience. I discovered a sense of inner peace I never thought possible, and it continues to guide me in my everyday life. The teachings were profound, and the atmosphere was filled with kindness and serenity. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.

MKMC Cafe Photos 2024-4363


Retreat Experience

The retreat allowed me to pause and reconnect with myself in a way I hadn’t imagined. The meditations brought clarity and calm, and the peaceful environment of the centre made it a perfect place for deep reflection. I left feeling renewed and full of purpose.




01229 584029

How to get here


Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
Conishead Priory
LA12 9QQ

Family Weekend – Overcoming Anger

May 2 - 5, 2025


Overcoming Anger (especially towards brothers and sisters!)

A chance for families to meet, have fun and enjoy a joyful weekend with a difference! With guided meditations, team building activities, games and much more, this is a chance for all the family to learn to overcome anger, frustration and other negative minds, and experience a joyful way of life.

Booking coming soon

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Gen Kelsang Dragden

May 2 - 5, 2025

What to Expect

Price: TBC
(Accommodation & meal options available)




01229 584029

How to get here


Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
Conishead Priory
LA12 9QQ

The Bliss of Concentration

Apr 18 - 21, 2025

Snow day

Deepening our Meditation on the Clarity of the Mind

Our ability to remain mindful and focused on peaceful, positive states of mind is essential to a happy life. And of course developing a strong and stable experience of concentration is fundamental to the development of the higher spiritual realizations that constitute our path to enlightenment. This is made clear in The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra where the first of the five stages of training in Mahamudra, our quick path to enlightenment, is training in concentration, specifically on the clarity of the mind.

These days in our overstimulated and distracted society people struggle to develop stable mindfulness and concentration. And even among spiritual practitioners many feel that attaining higher levels of concentration is not possible. Due to this discouragement many no longer emphasize actively training in improving their concentration, known as training in tranquil abiding.

In this Easter course we will explore the clear instructions Geshe Kelsang has given us to deepen our meditation on the clarity of the mind. The emphasis will be on applying these instructions in practice in meditation. By taking our time and building up our practice on the correct basis we will discover for ourself how clear and practical these instructions are and how in fact we can make real headway in our development of joyful concentration. We will see how our own perfectionism and grasping at results is getting in the way of our deeply enjoying our meditation and through that making real progress.

The meditation on the nature of the mind is seen as the best object for improving our concentration. The emphasis in the course will be in giving everyone practical experience of the wonderful qualities of this object, whatever your level of practice is, so that everyone increases their confidence in being able to progress through the mental abidings, in particular becoming confident in our ability to attain the fourth mental abiding that Geshe Kelsang so encourages us to attain.

Because we will also train in maintaining mindfulness of the mind during the meditation break we will be exploring how this meditation sets up for the realizations of Emptiness and the bliss of Highest Yoga Tantra. The skill we develop through training in concentration on this object, can then be easily applied to all our other meditations. Everyone welcome.

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

Kadam Morten Clausen

Apr 18 - 21, 2025

What to Expect

Price: £125 for event only
(Accommodation & meal options available)


APR 18


7:30 - 9.00pm

APR 18

APR 19 -APR 20

Saturday and Sunday

9.00 - 10.30am
Session 1

11.30am - 1.00pm
Session 2

4.30 - 6.00pm
Session 3

7.30 - 9.00pm
Session 4

APR 19 -APR 20

APR 21


9.00 - 10.30am
Session 1

11.30am - 1.00pm
Session 2

APR 21


A special tranquil place

Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, nestled on the edge of the Lake District, offers the perfect setting for a retreat. Surrounded by beautiful woodland and gardens, this peaceful sanctuary provides an ideal space to step away from the busyness of daily life. The centre's stunning temple, tranquil environment, and breathtaking views over Morecambe Bay make it the perfect place to relax, recharge, and deepen your meditation practice. Whether you’re looking to find inner peace or gain clarity and wisdom, this serene location offers everything you need for a truly transformative experience.

Retreat accommodation

Accommodation is in simple, comfortable rooms.  Those on retreats will stay either in a room in the main building of Conishead Priory or in a room in one of the cottages that line the gardens and overlook the Temple for World Peace. You can choose single, twin or shared rooms and there are limited number of en-suite rooms available. Book early to get a full choice of accommodation.