The STTP commitments

  • To complete every study and meditation class

  • To memorize the condensed meaning of each text

  • To prepare for and take examinations at the end of each section of a book

Please note: Those attending the live classes at Manjushri KMC undertake to attend all 3 classes at the centre if studying with commitments.

In the previous STTP programme there were 6 books to be studied: How to Understand the Mind, Modern Buddhism, The New Heart of Wisdom, Tantric Grounds & Paths, Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (and it's commentary Meaningful to Behold) and Ocean of Nectar.

In addition a further 6 books have been added to the programme, the first of which began in September 2019: The New Guide to Dakini Land, The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra, The Mirror of Dharma, Essence of Vajrayana, The New Eight Steps to Happiness and Joyful Path of Good Fortune.

When signing up to the programme you are commiting to study the 6 books in the present STTP programme.

Studying by correspondence

Correspondence students receive audio downloads for all the study and meditation classes.

You can join the correspondence programme with or without commitments.

The cost of the correspondence programme is £70 per section of each book. There are in total 14 examined sections in the present 6 book programme.

Please note: Whether studying with or without commitments all correspondence students should be keeping up with the live classes as they are taught.

Apply to join the correspondence programme
Enrolment takes place at the beginning of a new book or a new section of a book, but you can submit the application form at any time..

Use the form linked below to apply.

To apply to join with commitments please complete all fields in form.

To apply to join without commitments complete only the required fields.

Attending the live STTP classes


To attend the live classes at Manjushri KMC you can choose to take the STTP commitments and undertake to attend every class at the centre. There is now an option to attend only the 2 teaching classes each week on a drop-in basis like GP if not enrolled already in STTP.

Resident and non-resident attendance & fees
You can attend the live classes either by becoming a resident at Manjushri KMC or by living outside the centre and travelling in for classes.

For residents the fees are included in the standard monthly education fee. Non-resident attendees can also pay the monthly education fee.

Apply to attend the live classes with commitments
Please contact the the STTP Coordinator at to begin the application process.

Founder ~ Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche


World-renowned meditation master
The Founder of Modern Kadampa Buddhism is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche,  a world-renowned meditation master who holds the very essence of Buddha’s teachings in his heart.

Venerable Geshe-la transmits this profound wisdom and compassion to the people of the modern world in very practical ways through the extremely accessible methods of modern Kadampa Buddhism, which he introduced.

A life of dedication
Since 1977, when he accepted an invitation to become Resident Teacher at Manjushri Centre in the UK, he has given thousands of teachings, composed twenty-three widely acclaimed books on Buddhism and meditation, established over 1,300 meditation centers, trained hundreds of qualified Teachers and developed practical study and meditation programs to suit the needs of the modern world.

In short, he has dedicated his entire life to laying the foundation for modern Kadampa Buddhism to flourish throughout the world in this and future generations.

All the auspicious developments illustrated on this website have arisen from the compassionate intention and extraordinary vision of this remarkable being.

International Teacher
Venerable Geshe-la is a truly international Teacher who presents Buddha’s teachings in ways that anyone, regardless of nationality, culture, gender or age can easily understand their meaning and apply them to their modern daily life.

Today, many thousands of people around the world are experiencing the immense, practical benefits of applying his life-transforming teachings.

Scientific methods to accomplish inner peace
Venerable Geshe-la’s message is as simple as it is profound - all the problems in this world originate in the mind, and the solutions to these problems and the causes of lasting peace and happiness are also to be found in the mind.

Only by developing inner peace in our minds through meditation can we solve our own problems and help others to do the same, and in this way create world peace.

Thanks to the extraordinary kindness of Venerable Geshe-la, the internal scientific methods to accomplish this inner peace are now available to everyone in the modern world.

This humble monk has touched the hearts of countless people around the world and inspired them to set out on a blissful journey to lasting happiness and inner peace.

Special Teacher Training Programme

The Special Teacher Training Programme (STTP) at Manjushri KMC was designed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche to train qualified Teachers of Modern Kadampa Buddhism. It is taught by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong.

The core of the programme is the study and meditation classes based on the books of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

The purpose of the study component is to enable students to gain an understanding of the deep meanings of Buddha’s teachings and learn how to apply them to modern daily life. The purpose of the meditation component is to enable the students to gain practical experience of the meaning of the teachings. Qualified Teachers need both.

There are two ways to participate in the programme:

  1. Attending the live classes at Manjushri KMC
  2. Studying by correspondence

Current programme
On 15 September 2024 the programme will begin the study of the book The New Eight Steps to Happiness. See the schedule for class dates and times.

Further information
For more information please contact the STTP Coordinator at


Live Classes


By Correspondence


STTP Commitments




Apply to join

Foundation Programme

Kelsang Yeshe
NKT22869-BEST ONE- fixed2
6-Reading Joyful Path-children

The Foundation Programme (FP) at Manjushri KMC provides an opportunity for residents and non-residents to engage in systematic study and meditation on the essential subjects of Kadampa Buddhism based on six books by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. The emphasis in the classes, which consist of teachings, meditation, and discussion, is on gaining practical experience of Buddha’s teachings that you can apply to your daily life.

FP is a tried and tested way to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of Buddha’s teachings, maintain a daily meditation practice that is both focused and powerful, and make genuine spiritual progress. If you have been coming to classes regularly and have been getting a lot out of your GP classes but feel you want to go a bit deeper with your study and practice - the systematic study of this essential Buddhist text on FP may be a perfect next step for you.

This Foundation Programme at Manjushri KMC takes place on a Monday evening. The study of the next book on the programme Universal Compassion will begin on 7 October 2024. There will be an introduction class to FP on 30 September, so anyone interested to know more about the programme could come along to this class.


This class is taught by Kelsang Yeshe. Students are attending the classes in person in the Temple at Manjushri KMC and also by correspondence.

Class dates
Monday 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Next Book - Universal Compassion

September 30 - Introduction to FP
October 7, 14
November 11, 18
December 9, 16
Joyful Path of Good Fortune Part 4 - Monday 23 September at 7pm

Further information & enrolment
For more information and enrolment please contact the Education Programme Coordinator on:

General Programme

NKT20205_GLT Easter course

Everyone, regardless of their level of experience or background, can benefit from the classes & courses offered on the General Programme. It is a highly accessible programme designed to address everyday problems with simple and practical advice that makes sense according to our daily experience.

These classes and courses provide a basic introduction to Buddhist teachings and meditations. Through these we can learn how to use Buddha's advice as a solution to our daily problems. In this way we come to experience a sense of peace and happiness in our lives.

Everyone is welcome – you do not need to be a Buddhist to attend.

Tuesday evening class 

Kadampa Internet


Manjushri KMC is the home of Kadampa Internet, which oversees the major websites belonging to the organisation and maintains the news and social media programmes.

The Kadampa Art Studio


Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche founded the Kadampa Art Studio (KAS) to design and create qualified Buddhist statues and other objects for modern Buddhist Temples and Centers around the world.

Run under the auspices of the International Temples Project the Studio operates year round to meet the ever growing demand from new traditional-style and urban Temples opening around the world.

We are now accepting volunteer applications for the Art Studio. If you are interested please submit an application form.

International Temples Project


When Venerable Geshe-la opened the first Temple for World Peace at Manjushri Centre in 1997, he expressed the wish to develop a modern Buddhist Temple in every major city of the world. To accomplish this and many other purposes, he founded the International Temples Project (ITP).

The scope and activities of the ​ITP are constantly evolving in response to the needs of the ever-changing demands of busy lives. It presently achieves ​its aim through ​developing and ​building traditional and non-traditional temples, meditation and retreat centres, and through the activities of World Peace Cafés and Tharpa Publications.

All profits generated through the activities of the International Temples Project are dedicated to public benefit through the continual development of this fund.